Wednesday, November 28, 2012

build 32bit app on ubunt12.04 64bit

some tips to build a 32bit app on ubuntu 12.04 64bit

1. edit terminal setting
sudo rmdir /usr/share/terminfo
sudo ln -s /lib/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo

2. change shell to bash ( dash is default shell for utuntu 12.04 )
sudo rm /bin/sh
sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

3. install packages ( especially ia32-lib and libc6-dev-i386 )
sudo apt-get install automake autoconf ia32-libs zlib1g-dev bison flex libtool gawk libc6-dev-i386

PS1. If you find that the error message shows something like "no such file or directory", but the file is existed. You probability need to install ia32-lib.

PS2. some packages in 3. may not necessary in your case. You should add or remove other packages case by case.